Real yogurt is making a come back

This New York Times article confirms what I've always known. Americans have an insatiable appetite for sweets– they want candy. So when yogurt was first introduced in the early 1940's, it flopped until sweeteners and fruit were added.

Things are changing, thank goodness. FAGE is opening a factory in the states to make their delicious strained yogurt. I've always enjoyed plain full-fat yogurt. I eat it for breakfast, strain it and use it as a replacement for sour cream, use it to make salad dressing and use it as a marinade base. I've even made my own yogurt using Stoney Field yogurt as the starter culture.

A year or so ago I was turned onto FAGE greek-style yogurt after seeing it in the grocery store. It's an extremely thick strained yogurt with a great tangy taste. Highly recommended. You can get single serves with a side of honey– food of the gods.

Link. Thanks, Jeff!

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