Motorola iDEN GPS Tracking with Google Maps

If you've got a Motorola iDEN phone that has Java and GPS built in, you're in luck. A free service called Mologogo attempts to stitch the world of the GPS-enabled phone into Google maps. First register for a free Mologogo account. Next, download and install (no easy feat!) the Java app to your mobile. Start the app and what you should see is a Google map with your current position, complete with scrolling and different zoom levels. But here's where it gets cool: you can share your current position with your friends and they can locate you on their phone or on the web site. The uses of this are limitless (think “lo-jack” but not just for the car).

Apparently, the Boost mobile prepaid phone also works with this (and only costs 20 cents a day for the data portion).

I can't get my i730 to work. It's stuck at “Loading Friends” and eventually gives an error “Close indication open0.” Anyone know what's wrong?


Adblock Fix for Firefox 1.5 Beta

If you use the Adblock extension for Firefox and have updated to the 1.5 beta version you've probably noticed that it hasn't worked quite right. The flash overlay is broken and prevents flash content from being displayed (sometimes this is a good thing!) while images that are supposed to be blocked/removed show as broken images.

Follow this thread for a vigilante-fixed version of Adblock.
