The WiFi232 Internet Modem is here and available in limited quantities.
The WiFi232 Internet Modem features:
- Standard DB25 female RS-232C connector (DCE).
- Supports 300 to 115200 baud.
- Emulation of a Hayes modem, using standard (and non-standard) Hayes “AT” commands.
- Storage of settings and 10 speed dial addresses in flash memory.
- Accepts inbound connections on customizable TCP port (produces “RING” response).
- Automatically responds with a customizable busy message when already in a call.
- Supports Commodore PET “MCTerm” character set translation (requires custom cable, interface).
- Hardware and software flow control supported (one direction only– retro PC can pause incoming data).
- Hardware flow control is RTS or DTR selectable with solder jumpers.
- DTR + DCD and DTR + DSR loopback solder jumpers (RS-232C side only).
- Over-the-air firmware updates.
- Telnet negotiation support.
- Built-in web server, MDNS support, and WiFi access point for easy configuration.
- Powered by a USB mini jack or solder terminals for your own power source.
- A PDF manual.
The WiFi232 Internet Modem lacks:
- Support is lacking for DCD (data carrier detect) and RI (ring indicator).
- No password protection of web server configuration (but can be disabled completely).
Price & Shipping:
Available fully assembled for $55.
USPS First Class shipping to USA is included with tracking number (non-insured).
USPS First Class International everywhere else for +$20 tracked (non-insured).
If your shipment is lost or never arrives, you should contact your postal service and provide the tracking number for assistance.
Orders ship in about a week.
Order Policies
Please read this section carefully.
International orders: The CN22 customs form will be listed as type “merchandise” with HS Code 8473 with actual sales price. You may be responsible for additional VAT or import taxes. Do not ask to have the item listed as “gift”– your order will be canceled.
Orders that need to be canceled before shipping for reasons such as changed your mind, wrong shipping address, or CN22 type dispute will be subject to a $3 fee. Sorry, PayPal dings me to just return your money!
Order Here
The WiFi232 is no longer available. There are many other alternatives for you to choose from from many different hobbyists and vendors.
WiFi232 Internet Modem Manual (.PDF) Updated July 7, 2017
Discover new boards to call by visiting the Telnet BBS Guide.
The list of verified, compatible computers:
- Atari Portfolio (with serial interface and 9 to 25 pin serial adapter)
- Atari 520ST and 1040ST
- Amstrad NC100
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
- Tandy TRS-80 Model 102 (with 25 pin gender changer)
- Apple IIgs (with mini DIN to 25 pin serial cable)
- Atari 800XL (with Atari 850 serial interface and appropriate cable)
- Amiga 1000 (with 25 pin gender changer)
- Amiga 2000
- Amiga 1200
- Macintosh SE
- Macintosh SE/30
- Digital VT220 and VT240 Terminal
- Apple IIe (with serial card)
- IBM 486-compatible (with 9 to 25 pin serial adapter)
Don’t see you computer listed? It will likely still work if it has a standard RS-232 serial port.
- Hackaday: BBSing with the ESP8266
- ByteCellar: The Wonderful WiFi232 : BSSing Has (Literally) Never Been Easier
- Modern Vintage Gamer: Connecting to BBS’s in 2017 with the WiFi232 Modem
- Lazy Game Reviews: WiFI232 Wireless Modem: BBS Fun on Retro PCs!
- Reddit r/RetroBattlestations
- Redditor 5ilver created a 3D printable case
- Hacker News 2017 June 4
- Hacker News 2017 July 1
- Joshua Stein: WiFi232 with a Macintosh 512ke
- Make Magazine: Retrohack Your Old Computer Terminal from Dialup to Wi-Fi
- derStandard: WLAN-Modem bringt Atari, Macintosh und Amiga ins Internet
- BoingBoing: A tiny Hayes modem for your tiny retro computer